M.E. Grand High Priest..................... L. Cecil Smith R.E. Grand King................................ Mervyn Moeller R.E. Grand Scribe............................. Frank Borden, Jr. R.E. Grand Treasurer........................ Carl Highman R.E. Grand Secretary........................ Mark Rossignol R.E. Grand Chaplain......................... John Duling R.E. Grand Lecturer.......................... Daniel Marr E. Grand Captain of the Host............ Michael Lagueux E. Grand Principal Sojourner............. Christopher Edwards E. Grand Royal Arch Captain............. Carl Plants E. Grand Master of the Third Veil....... Kraig Prange E. Grand Master of the Second Veil... Adam Thayer E. Grand Master of the First Veil....... Joseph Charbonneau E. Grand Sentinel............................. Phil Post
Grand Secretary Emeritus, Jay Speck
Grand Secretary Emeritus, Bruce T. Anderson, Lady Ilah